Noise Pollution: a Deafening Issue

Noise Pollution: a Deafening Issue
 Essay by: Sandra Marcela

Environmental problems in big cities include noise pollution as one of the most important factors of population healthy problems. In Bogotá, mobile sources (road traffic and air traffic) represents 60% of noise pollution and 40% remaining corresponds stationary sources, such as shopping malls, buildings, big and medium factories, among others. (Secretaría Distrital de Ambiente, 2016). Those factors are affecting our physical and mind state progressively.
We are constantly exposed to a barrage of sound every day and it makes our body reacts in negative way: stress, insomnia, anxiety, moody behaviors. In fact, we do not perceive those changes after long time, because we had to be familiarized with the flow of the city. However, we also have to pay attention to our healthy signs in order to avoid other illness.
How does government assess levels of sound in Bogotá? There is a Global Environment Management System (GEMS) which is in charge of monitoring noise levels in the city. It has three stations in Bogotá: Capellanía, Villa Luz and Botanical Garden. Those centers analyze the impact of most important sources of sound in city in order to prevent future problems in the community (Secretaría Distrital de Ambiente, 2016). Despite GEMS, noise pollution in city is increasing dramatically. Health problems in community are affecting coexistence in people and their performance in their daily activities.
It is important to highlight that not only mobile and stationary sources are part of noise pollution, headphones or earphones are cause of it. Some of ear infections or pain in ears are consequence of overuse of those modern appliances, and they can breed bad effects on brain or life threatening accidents (Trends Health, 2014). Those sound tools make us feel a great musical experience, but they also affect our additive channels.
It is time to listen our body, noise pollution is affecting our mind and physical health. We need to reduce our exposure to high levels of sound in our rest spaces, because most of the times we do not have the control for noise in big cities. We can develop all our activities avoiding sound directly in our ears using speakers, in order to regulate how much noise we perceive.

Secretaría Distrital de Ambiente. (2016). Información General Sobre la Problemática del Ruido.
Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá. Tomado de:
Trends and Health. (2014). Health Issues Side Effect of Using Headphones and Earphones.

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